About Our Forensic Entomologists
About Our Forensic Entomologists
Are you interested in forensics involving insects? Adrienne Brundage Forensics Entomologist is a board-certified team of highly recognized entomologists, interns, and students.
Our mission is to analyze how insects can have an impact on every area of our life. We offer a variety of tools and resources directly related to insects. Discover the influence insects have on society by partnering with us today.
Private Consulting
The entomological team is available to collect and analyze insect evidence, review cases, investigate scenes, give expert witness testimony, and assist in other insect-related situations. Evidence collection kits available upon request.
Education, Training, and Speaking
The team is ready to help you train in any entomological subject you wish, from forensically important, to veterinary, medical, and urban insects. Training for professionals, lesson plans, and speaking engagements available.